built in the small hours by
Qi Tianshi

Hello. It seems you've found my little corner of the Internet.

I'm Tianshi. Welcome.

A portrait of Tianshi in dramatic blue and purple lighting against a dark backdrop.

Hello, world! I'm Qi Tianshi.

But you can call me “tian”. I'm a student from Singapore, with a desk full of clutter and a pocketful of dreams.

For over a decade, I've found my calling in robotics — the alluring magic of breathing life into dead parts. Since my early days of tinkering with LEGO robots, I've graduated to using industry-level tools, managing my robotics club, contributing research to a global community, and selecting and mentoring new generations of roboticists.

I'm also a developer, a researcher, a writer, and an artist… to varying degrees. Why don't you have a look around at some of the stuff I've made?

An experiment setup with metallic probes resting on a square photodiode.


A pair of RoboCup robots on a RoboCup field in dramatic lighting.


Electrical components on a breadboard to create a light sensor.


There's more to come.

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